
Bichler, Robert M./Luger, Kurt (2015): Lernen virtuell. Ermöglicht das Internet den Massenkonsum von Bildung? Zur Problematik von E-Learning und dem internationalen Bildungshandel. In: Faschingeder, Gerald/Kolland, Franz (Hg.): Bildung und ungleiche Entwicklung. Globale Konvergenzen & Divergenzen in der Bildungswelt. Wien: nap, 188-204.

Bichler, Robert M./Röser, Andreas J. (2015): Radio Caribbean Pearl – The role of community radios in the Nicaraguan Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic. In: Oliveira, Madalena/Ribeiro, Fábio (Eds.): Radio, sound and Internet. Braga: CECS, 143- 156.

Herdin, Thomas/Bichler, Robert M. (2015): 网络生活 — 智能手机,社交网络和多任务进行. In: China Watch (Chinese Edition), Vol. 45. pp. 37- 40.

Bichler, Robert M. (2014): Publish or Perish? Open Access Publizieren als Chance und Herausforderung. In: Medien Journal – Zeitschrift für Kommunikationskultur. Vol. 38, No. 4: pp. 62-72.

Bichler, Robert M./Blachfellner, Stefan/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2012) (Eds.): Book of Abstracts – 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. BCSSS. Vienna. 435 pages. ISSN 2227-7803. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Blachfellner, Stefan/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2012): Editorial Comment. EMCSR 2012. In: Bichler, Robert M./Blachfellner, Stefan/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (Eds.): Book of Abstracts – 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR). BCSSS. Vienna. pp. 01-03. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2011): Ein Platz an der digitalen Sonne. e-Kolonialisierung durch IKT. In: The European. Online: (also in: Der Standard. Online:

Bichler, Robert M. (2011): Information and Communication Technologies for Least Developed Countries: A Case Study of the Republic of Malawi. In: Kalantzis-Cope, Phillip/Martin, Karim G. (Eds.) (2011): Emerging Digital Spaces in Contemporary Society. Properties of Technology. Palgrave Macmillan. New York. pp. 324-326.

Neumayer, Christina/Raffl, Celina/Bichler, Robert M. (2010): Politics and Social Software: Recommendations for Inclusive ICTs. In: Riha, Daniel/Maj, Anna (Eds.) (2010): Emerging Practices in Cyberculture and Social Networking. Rodopi. Amsterdam/New York. pp. 41-62. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Gaderer, Eva (2010): 3rd ICTs and Society Meeting; Paper Session – Inequalities: social, economic, political; Paper 3: Internet in China: Myths and Realities. In: tripleC. Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 149-154. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Bradley, Gunilla/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (2010): Editorial Comment. Sustainable Development and ICTs. In: Information, Communication & Society. Vol. 13, No. 1. pp. 1-5. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Schafranek, Matthias/Raffl, Celina/Sandoval, Marisol/Bichler, Robert M. (2010): Theoretical foundations of the web: cognition, communication, and co-operation. Towards an understanding of web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. In: Future Internet. Vol. 2, No. 11. pp. 41-59. PDF

Neumayer, Christina/Raffl, Celina/Bichler, Robert M. (2009): Politics and Social Software: Recommendations for Inclusive ICTs. In: Riha, Daniel/Maj, Anna (Eds.) (2009): The Real and the Virtual: Critical Issues in Cybercultures. Interdisciplinary-Press. Oxford. pp. 183-191. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Gaderer, Eva (2009): Position Paper Number 2 for the Workshop “Towards Criteria of Sustainability and Social Meaningfulness in Development“: Critical Reflections on Modernization Theoretical Thinking and its Implications for ICTs in Development. In: tripleC. Vol. 7, No. 2. pp. 408-414. PDF

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Bichler, Robert M. (2009): Position Paper Number 1 for the Workshop “Towards Criteria of Sustainability and Social Meaningfulness in Development“: Instrumental Reason as a Hindering Factor for Meaningful Technology Design. In: tripleC. Vol. 7, No. 2. pp. 404-407. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Bichler, Robert M./Raffl, Celina (2009): Cyberethics and Co-operation in the Information Society. In: Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol. 15, No. 4. pp. 447-466. PDF


Bichler, Robert M. (2009): Some Thoughts on Tourism in Lao PDR: Communist Ideology and Touristic Reality. In: tripleC. Vol. 7, No. 2. pp. 123-124. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2008): Southern Africa and the Digital Divide: A Malawian Case Study. In: The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. Vol. 4, No. 6. pp. 41-50. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2008): The dawn of the information age in least developed countries (LDCs): lessons learned from four case studies. In: tripleC. Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 77-87. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2008): Information and Communication Technologies in the Republic of Malawi: an Assessment of Progress and Challenges Ahead. In: Bada, Abiodun O./Musa, Philip (Eds.) (2008): Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.4-University of Pretoria Joint Workshop. Towards an ICT Research Agenda for African Development. International Federation for Information Processing. Pretoria. pp. 189-202. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Fuchs, Christian/Raffl, Celina (2008): Perspectives of Cyberethics in the Information Society. In: Billias, Nancy/Curry, Agnes B. (Eds.) (2008): Framing Evil. Portraits of Terror & the Imagination. Interdisciplinary-Press. Oxford. pp. 153-162. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2007): Information and Communication Technologies for Least Developed Countries (ICTs4LDCs): Exemplified in the Republic of Yemen. In: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 349-360. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Schmiderer, Harald (2007): Theorizing tourism: Bridging the virtual-real-dichotomy. In: e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR). Vol. 5, No. 5. Conference Abstracts.

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Tscheligi, Manfred/Bichler, Robert M./Reitberger, Wolfgang (2007): Ambient Persuasion for the Good Society. In: International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE). Vol. 8. pp. 42-46. PDF

Fuchs, Christian/Blachfellner, Stefan/Bichler, Robert M. (2007): The Urgent Need for Change: Rethinking Knowledge and Management. In: Stary, Christian/Barachini, Franz/Hawamdeh, Suliman (Eds.) (2007): Knowledge Management: Innovation, Technology and Cultures. Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management – Vol. 6. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Knowledge Management. World Scientific. New Jersey/London/Singapore. pp. 293-307. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Schmiderer, Harald (2007): Theorizing tourism: Bridging the virtual-real-dichotomy. In: Harris, Candice/van Hal, Marlies (Eds.) (2007): Book of Papers: The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Promoting an Academy of Hope? Proceedings of the Second International Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference. Split. pp. 332-337. PDF

Raffl, Celina/Bichler, Robert M. (2007): Vom Sozialen in den Virtuellen Raum. Ernst Blochs ‘Konkrete Utopie’ im Cyberspace? In: Zeilinger, Doris (Hg.): Raumkonstruktion und Raumerfahrung. Jahrbuch 2007 der Ernst-Bloch-Assoziation, VorSchein Nr. 29. Antogo Verlag. Nürnberg. S. 107-128. PDF

Doucette, Dail/Bichler, Robert M./Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Raffl, Celina (2007): Toward a New Science of Information. In: Data Science Journal. Vol. 6. pp. 198-205. PDF

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang/Fuchs, Christian/Raffl, Celina/Schafranek, Matthias/Sandoval, Marisol/Bichler, Robert M. (2007): ICTs and Society: The Salzburg Approach. Towards a Theory for, about, and by means of the Information Society. Research Paper No. 3. ICT&S Center. Salzburg. ISSN 1990-8563. PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2006): Self-Organization and Ethics. In: Dobronravova, Irina/Yevtuh, Volodymyr (Eds.) (2006): Cultural Context of Social Self-Organization. Kyiv University Press. Kyiv. pp. 34-41.

Reitberger, Wolfgang/Bichler, Robert M./Ploderer, Bernd (2006): Is Ambient Intelligence doomed to fail? Design Guidelines for bridging the Digital Divide in the Ambient Intelligence Society. In: Guerrero-Bote, Vicente P. (Ed.) (2006): Current Research in Information Sciences and Technologies. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Global Information Systems (Volume 2). Open Institute of Knowledge. Badajoz. pp. 132-136. PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Fuchs, Christian/Raffl, Celina (2006): Co-operative Cyberethics for a Sustainable Information Society. In: Proceedings of the 16th ISA World Congress of Sociology. The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World. Durban. (CD-ROM). PDF

Bichler, Robert M./Schmiderer, Harald (2006): Indicators for Life-Designing as a form of youth identity formation. In: Proceedings of the 16th ISA World Congress of Sociology. The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World. Durban. (CD-ROM). PDF

Bichler, Robert M. (2005): Attention as a resource in an information based society. In: Proceedings of FIS 2005: Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. Paris.

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